to Wit}
The Information of
Nathan Veazey< no role >
upon Oath before me
Wm. Blackborow< no role >
One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
in and for the said County this 31st. Day
of August 1781
This Informant upon his Oath saith that on Sunday
Night the 26th. day of August Inst. at about the hour of
Nine O Clock he was feloniously Assaulted on the Kings High
Way near Ball Ponds Turnpike by Three Men who calls [..]
themselves by the Names of John White< no role >
, James Cloak< no role >
and Charles
Waters< no role >
that they did feloniously Assault him with a certain
Offensive Weapon called a Cutlass or hanges put him in
fear and Danger of his Life and did feloniously take from
his Person Two Guineas in Gold Two half Guineas in
Gold and some Silver his Property
Nathn Veazey< no role >
Taken and Sworn before
me the Day and Year First
above Written
W Blackborow}