To wit
The Information of
Leonard Tresitian< no role >
William Gandell< no role >
taken before me
this 23d. day of March 1770
Who being upon Oath severally say and first the Said Leonard for himself
says that on Wednesday Evening the 7th. of March Instant he was robbed
on the Fulham Road
of Some Money by a Highwayman who had a black
Crape over his face, and the said William Gandell< no role >
for himself
says that he found a black Crape now produced and a Pistol now
produced upon a person now present who calls himself John Gew< no role >
and the said Leonard further Says that another Person on horse back
came up just after the said Robbery who appeared to be a Companion
of the said Highwayman's and that one of them fired a Pistol
Sworn before me
March 23. 1770}
Leond Trusitian< no role >
William Gandell< no role >