To wit
The Information of
Elizabeth Pever< no role >
before me this 30th. day of March 1770
Who being upon Oath says that on Sunday last about 5 or 6 o'Clock
she went into the Ball's head Alehouse in Long Ditch Westminster
where she
saw a person now present who calls himself Edward Holmes< no role >
, that after
she had been there some time she went with the said Edward Holmes< no role >
to the
Sutling house
at the Horse Guards
, that she staid some time at the
said Sutling house and that when she went away the said Edward
Holmes< no role >
went with her and as they were going up the Steps from
the Sutling house the said Edward Holmes< no role >
feloniously took and
carried away two Cloaks a Gold Ring a Petticoat a Bonnet
a pair of Buckles and a Ribbon from this Informant
Sworn before me
March 30th. 1770
Eliz. [mark] Pever< no role >