To Wit}
The Information of
Mary Anne Gibbon< no role >
Joseph Shaw< no role >
Robert Corker< no role >
John Innstead< no role >
taken before me One of his Majestys Justices
of the Peace
for the said County
Who being severally upon Oath say and first
the said Mary Ann Gibbons< no role >
for herself saith
that on the 13th. Instant she went to bed about
11 oClock at Night and is certain that she made
all the Fastenings of the Housegoodssecure
and about two hours afterwards she was
awaked and heard some body walk about the
Room & she got up & struck a light and
Called the Watchman and heard the Person
jump out of the Window and when the Watchman
came in the found the [..]
books off her
DrawersParlour Window broken Open and
a large Quantity of Wearing Apparel stolen
from the Room among which were the following
things Vizt. a Linen Gown and Petty coat
a Blue Sattin Cloak a Purple & White Linen
Gown a Muslin Apronandwas in the Drawer
in the Room and which things are this
Informants Property And this Informant
Joseph Shaw< no role >
thatfor himself saith that
in the Night of the 13h Instant about One o
Clock he this Informant stopped a Person
who now calls himself Job Packer< no role >
in [..] ion
Court Hatton Garden
and took upon him a
Bundle Containing the abovementioned
things And saith that at the time of Apprehending
him he saw him put his hand in his Pocket
& heard something fall from him which he
apprehended to be Iron And the said Robert
Corker for himself saith that he was present
at the Apprehending the said Job Parker< no role >
at the taking the abovementd. things upon him
And the said John Tunstead< no role >
for himself saith