London and Southwark
Informations of Witnesses taken at the parish
of Saint John within the Borough of Southwark
[..] of Sumey
on the 24th. day of November
on view of the body of
Edward Richards< no role >
here lying dead.
William Evans< no role >
Master of the Brig Eleanor lying
near Pickle [..] Stairs bound to Dublin in
maketh Oath and saith he hath known
tho deced Edward Richards< no role >
for near this Thirty
Years that the deced was a Native Barmouth their
North Wales-that Dept the deced and another
person of the Name of Owen Griffiths< no role >
were in
Companey together from about ½ past 5 until about
seven in the Evening of Friday last-that about
said hour of seven in the Evening Dept. the said other
person missed of the deced who had just before been
Walking near them-that on missing the deced
he called him by Name an did the said other person
it being very dark-that they recived no answer
that they went to a Mrs. Knibbs in Stoney lane
the deced had gone there as he used to lodge at said
Mr: Knibbs-or thatthatthe deced wou'd [..] follow
them there that Dept. and said other person staid at
said house about half an hour but the deced never
came-that then Dept. and said other person went on
toward there respective Vessels - that the next Morning
(being Saturday) about Eleven OClockin they foreman
Dept. being on board his said Vessel a Person came along
side his Vessel and informed him there was a Person lying
dead on the Mud whom he suppored to bea Welch< no role >
that Dept. immediately went on shore to the
place where said person had informed him body lay
that on his comeing there found is to be the deced
that as the time the deced left Dept. as before started the
was a little intoxicated with Liquor Dept: further
saith that on his first meeting with theabout beforeDeced which was at Dock head he (Dept.)