not be open'd but on proper occasions, And being seconded
by Mr. Maynard the Question was put and Carried in
the Affirmative.
After which Mr. Maynard moved, and It was Ordered
that the Vestry Clerk do given notice to Mr. Pearson that
it is the opinion of the Vestry that Fowls be not kept
in the Church Yard, and if they were they would be
taken away by the Sexton.
Minutes of
Parish Workhouse
Then the Minutes were read of the Proceedings of
the Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor at the
Parish Workhouse
at Hoxton during the past year.
Nl: Andrews.
Vestry Cl.
Ascension Day
At a Meeting on Ascension day May 20th.
Henry Rutt< no role >
Robert Woodmass< no role >
The Revd. Mr. Miller (Curate) Mr. Robert Boyd< no role >
Mr. James Hebert< no role >
, Mr. John Hawkins< no role >
Warham and< no role >
Deane's Gifts
At this Meeting the following Charitable Legacies
were distributed.
Robert Clark< no role >
Mr. Warham's paid by the Carpenter's Company ..10..-
Mrs. Deane's paid by the Ironmonger's Company ..3..-
£ 2:13..4
Poor on the Roll.
Sarah Nason< no role >
Dorothy Hornby< no role >
Sarah Smith< no role >
Ann Woolnough.-..2..6.
Mary Walmsley< no role >
Jane Steuart< no role >
Mary Elkes< no role >
Jane Oswin< no role >
Eliz: Bunting< no role >
Carrd. up ..14:-
Brot. up. -14..-
Casual Poor.
Mary May< no role >
Margt. Cooke< no role >
Clemt. Lazell.-..2..-
Mary Freeman< no role >
Sarah Holford< no role >
Jane Winckley< no role >
Ann Rowles< no role >
Geo: Crowder< no role >
Carrd. up 1:12:6.