Warden that had before served the Office of Under Church
Warden. Upon which an Order of Vestry dated the 14th.
April 1748 was read, whereby the Mr. John Mynde< no role >
was allowed
to Fine for the said Office. And the said Motion being
thereupon Seconded. the Question was put and carried in
the Affirmative.
Church Warden
Ordered that To
Chaplin Hankey< no role >
. be excused
from Serving the Office of Upper Church Warden, having
before served the Offices of Collector and Under Church Warden
upon paying the Fine of Forty Pounds: any former Order
or Orders of Vestry to the contrary not withstanding.
Church Wardens
Then Mr.
John Barnard< no role >
was put up to serve the
Office of Upper Church Warden
for the Year ensuing and
Chose. But it was also moved on the part of
Mr. Barnard< no role >
that he be excused from serving the said Office upon paying
the same Fine of Forty Pounds. And being seconded the
Question was put and carried in the Affirmative, And it was
Ordered according to the said Motion.
Mr. William Chesson< no role >
was then put up and Chose
Upper Church Warden for the Year ensuing.
Mr. Henry Gretton< no role >
was next in nomination but he
being present alledged that he did not know whether he
should remain the Parish long enough to go through
the Offices of Upper and Under Church Warden, as the Lease
of his House was near expiring and the City designd to
pull it down; but it being uncertain when that design
might be carried into Execution. Mr. Gretton was put up
and Chose Under Church Warden for the Year ensuing.
Then Mr.
Robert Woodmarsh< no role >
and Mr.
Joseph Barber< no role >
were severally put up to serve the Offices of Collectors and
for the Year ensuing and Chose.
Ordered that Mr.
John Bennett< no role >
be continued
Organist for the year ensuing.
Organ Tuner< no role >
Then Mr.
Thomas Griffin< no role >
was put up and Chose
Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ for the Year ensuing.
Bellows blower< no role >
Parish Warder
John Iselton< no role >
was then put up and Chose Sexton
Bellows Blower and Parish Warder, And it was Ordered
that Ten Pounds five Shillings be given to him over and
above his Salary as a Gratuity for his Service during