St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010075

Image 75 of 61726th March 1719

Then were Nominated for Comon Councellmen for the
Yeare ensueing Depty. Henry Hankey< no role > Mr. Wm. Ingram< no role > Mr.
James Webster< no role > and Mr Wm. Holloway< no role > Senr : and they being
severally put to the Vote were Ordered to be presented to the
Wardmote accordingly

At a Meeting held on
Maunday Thursday being the 26: March: 1719 .


Tho: Browne< no role >
James Newton< no role > } Ch: Wardens

Mr. IngramMr. Webster
Mr. BarkerMr. Quatermaine
Mr. WalfordMr. Tirrell

At this Meeting was Distributed
the Guift of the Lady Harvey being Six pounds whereof
Fifty shillings was distributed according to the direction of
her Will Viz: to the Doctor for reading divine Service and
Preaching 38s to the Church Wardens 5s a pence To the
Clark: 6s:8d to the Sexton: 3s:4d and the remr. being three
pounds and ten Shillings was distributed as followeth

To London£0 2s 6d
To Whisken£0 2s:6d
To Fox£0 5s.0d
To Adams£0 2s:6d
To Salmon£0 5s.0d
To Court£0 2s 6d
To Brett£0 2s:6d
To Gibbs£0 5s 0d
£1:7s 6d

To: Parr£2.6d
To Wooles£2.6d
To Tudor£15 -
To Howland£15
To Stannard£5
To Tisdell£2 6d

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