St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010065

Image 65 of 61719th December 1717

At a Vestry held the 19th: Decr: 1717


Mr. Walford Ch: Warden

Mr. IngramMr. CottonMr. Tirrell
Mr. HallomMr. NewtonMr. Hayes
Mr. RusbatchMr. QuatermaineMr. Wilson
Mr. WebsterMr. Holloway Junr:Mr. Spackman
Mr. TrowellMr. BarkerMr. Burt
Depty. HankeyMr. WhiteMr. Payne
Mr. Holloway Senr< no role > :Mr. JonesMr. Stallard

Mr. Benj: Dawson chosen at last
Vestry into all ward offices was
excused paying a Fyne of £12:10s:0

This Vestry was Summoned by Mr. Walford< no role >
Upper Church Warden at the request of Mr. Benj: Dawson< no role >
who was chosen at the last Vestry to serve Scavinger
Constable and Inquestman for the Yeare ensueing and
he now being desirous to Fyne for the same thereupon it
was put to the Vote and admitted to fyne for the said
Offices paying the Usuall Fyne of Twelve pounds and Ten
shillings whereof Twelve pounds was paid as a Fyne for
the said Offices and Ten shillings as Usuall towards
defraying the Charge of this Vestry

Mr. Stallard chosen to Serve ward
offices in Ye roome of Mr. Dawson

Then were put up for to Serve Scavinger
Constable and Inquestman for the Yeare ensueing
in the roome of Mr: Dawson< no role > Mr. Nathaniell Stallard< no role >
and Mr. Richd. Colberne< no role > and they being severally put to
the Vote Mr. Stallard was chosen.

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