St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010044

Image 44 of 61714th April 1715

At a Meeting Summoned on Maunday
Thursday being the 14th. April 1715


Mr: Holloway Church Warden

Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr. Dawson< no role >
Mr. Hankey
Mr. Pernell

Mr. Webster< no role >
Mr. Barker
Mr. Mariner
Mr. Quatermaine

Lady Harveys Gift
Distributed £6

At this Meeting was distributed ye
Gift of the Lady Harvey being Six pounds whereof Fifty shillings
was distributed according to the direccon of the said Will Vizt: To
the Doctor for reading Divine Service and Preaching on this day
thirty shillings To the Church Wardens five shillings a peace To the
Clerk Six shillings and eight pence To the Sexton three shillings and
four pence and the Remr: being three pounds and ten shillings was
distributed as followeth

To Tisdell0:2:6
To Jackson0:10:0
To Grigman0:2:6
To Whisken0:2:6
To Fox0:5:0
To Adams0:5:0
To Salmon0:5:0
To Court0:2:6
To Purton0:2:6
To Tombes0:5:0
To Kellow0:2:6
To Fairbrother0:10:0
To Parr0:10:0
To Hedges0:5:0
£ 3:10:0

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