St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010026

Image 26 of 6174th May 1714

At a Vestry held the 4th day of May 1714
Doctor Gatford Rector


John Barker< no role >
Wm. Holloway< no role > Senr .} Church Wardens

Mr: White
Mr. Rusbatch
Mr. Quatermaine
Mr: Eames
Mr: Hallam
Mr: Hebert
Mr: Cotton< no role >

Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr: Webster< no role >
Mr: Hicks
Mr. Hartley< no role >
Mr: Branch
Mr: Hinxman
Mr: Dodd< no role >

Mr: Dawson< no role >
Mr: Payne< no role >
Mr: Hankey
Mr. Howland
Mr: Childe
Mr: Colberne
Mr. Lindsey< no role >

Mr: Jones
Mr: Saunders
Mr: Harris< no role >
Mr: Marener
Mr: Jenkins< no role >
Mr: Wilson
Mr: Tryon
Mr: Holloway Junr.

This Vestry was called by Mr: John Barker< no role > Upper Church Wardens
to consider of the repaires of the Church and What moneys it would require to
repair the sume and how & in what manner it should be raised

advice taken & upon a Compatacon
will accots. to abt. £600.

repairing or new Paving than

Upon reading the Report of the Committee to whom it was referred to inspect the
Necessary wants of repaires of the Church whereby It is reported that they have
Mett severall times and have taken advice of Able Workemen thereupon whereof
a Compatacon doe finde that to repair the same as it ought to be with 3 Vaults will
Amount to about £600 and that no more now Paving or New Pewing than what is
absolutely necessary The Church to be white washed throughout the Outsides of
the North and Southwalls to be Plastered with Painters Glassiers Smith and
other Artificiall Workmanship and the Planks and Floring to be the most
part new will Amount to about Six hundred pounds

Church to be repair'd & £600: to be
[..] ed for ye doeing thereof

Then upon ye Question being put that ye Church be repaired according to ye sd. Report
yt: ye: Sume of £600 be raised for the doeing thereof it was carried in ye: Affirmative

£600 to be raised by a Poores rate
same Method & by same
Assessors as ye last yeares was

Then it was put to ye Vote whether the sd: Sume of £600 be raised by a Poors rate of
the same Method & by the same Assessors: that the Last yeares poors rate was raised
And was carried in the Affirmative and agreed unto Nemine Contradicents

[..] :to heat wth: Esqr. Ingram
making a Vault for his family

Then it was put to the Vote whether the Committee appointed to Inspects the wants
reparacon of the Church should be appointed to see the same repaired according to
above sd: resolucons & shod. have power to heat with Esqr. Ingram abt. making a Vestry
for his family in the North Isle & to grant to him a peace of Ground therefore
such Consideracons & condicons as they shall think fitt or Agree upon and was
Carried in the Affirmative and Agreed unto Nemine Contradicente

[..] Only One vault consisting
Vote 10 foote wide 7 foote

But in regard Esqr. Ingram having rejected the Parishes Vote and proposalls then
is to be only one Vault consisting of 42 foote in length more or less 10 foote Wide
foote clean from the Vestry to the Chancell in the North Isle

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