St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010036

Image 36 of 6172nd October 1714

At a Vestry held the 2d: October 1714

Doctor Gatford Present

Mr: Wm: Holloway< no role > Ch: Wardn:
Mr: Willson
Mr: Rusbatch
Mr: Maurice
Mr: Payne< no role >
Mr: Dawson< no role >

Mr: Quatermaine
Mr: White
Mr: Hicks
Mr: Hankey
Mr: Pittway
Mr: Levett< no role >
Mr: Harris< no role >
Mr: Branch

Mr. Hallam
Mr. Jenkins
Mr. Bethell
Mr. Roberts< no role >
Mr. Saunderson
Mr. Hebert
Mr. Webster< no role >

The Galary to be repaired
according to the Scheme

This Vestry was Called by Mr: Wm: Holloway< no role > Upper Church
Warden to Consult of the repairing and Enlarging the Galary and a Scheem
thereof together with a Particular of the Charge was produced by Mr: Harris and
Mr: Litchfeild And upon Perusing and Examining thereof it was put to the
Vote whether the same should be repair'd according to the Method Laid Downe
in the said Scheeme and Particular of the Charge thereof And it was Carried and
resolv'd on the Affirmative

Mr: Hallam chose Church
Warden in the roome of Mr.
Lyons who left the Parish

Then the said Mr: Holloway presented a Letter from Mr: Lyons the
other Church Warden which was read the purport whereof was that he had left
the Parish whereupon it was proposed to proceed to choose another in his Roome
and according by they did proceed and Mr: Hallam Mr: Woolball and Mr:
Maurice since severally put up whereupon Mr: Hallam was duely Chosen
who promised to give Security according to the Usuall Custome of the Parish

At a Vestry held 13th. December 1714


Mr: Wm: Holloway< no role >
Mr Hallam} Church Wardens

Mr: Bayly
Mr: Hankey
Mr: Ingram< no role >
Mr: Rusbatch
Mr: Dawson< no role >
Mr: Barker< no role >
Mr: Spackman
Mr: Shepherd
Mr: Grant

Mr: Jordan< no role >
Mr: Hayes
Mr: Wm: Holloway< no role > Junr:
Mr: Cotten
Mr: Branch
Mr: Morris
Mr: Fletcher< no role >
Mr: Payne< no role >
Mr: Marener
Mr: Bethell

Mr: Webster< no role >
Mr: Dodd< no role >
Mr: Hebert
Mr: Saunderson
Mr: Ackreman
Mr: Willson
Mr: Peters< no role >
Mr: Browne
Mr: Quatermaine
Mr: Jenkins< no role >
Mr: Roberts< no role >

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