At a Vestry held the 1st: day of Aprill 1714
Dr. Gatford Rector
Mr. Barker
Mr. Holloway} Church Wardens
Mr: White
Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr Webster< no role >
Mr: Quartermaine
Mr. Rusbatch
Mr. Dawson< no role >
Mr. Sanderson
Mr. Hankey
Mr. Fleming< no role >
Mr. Akerman
Mr. Hicks
Mr. Hebert
Mr. Hayward< no role >
Mr. Brown
Mr. Branch
Mr. Harris
Mr. Holloway Senr< no role >
Mr. Wilson
Mr: Eames
Mr: Sheppard< no role >
Mr: Jenkins< no role >
Mr: Newton
Mr: Bettnell
Mr: Peters< no role >
Mr: Hartley< no role >
Mr: Payne< no role >
Mr: Viber
Mr. Jordan< no role >
Mr. Smith
Mr. Child
Mr. Wooley
Mr. Cotton
Mr. Penn
Mr. Pittway
Mr. Roberts< no role >
This Vestry was Summoned by Mr: John Barker< no role >
Church Warden
for the
Choice of parish Officers for the yeare enseuing Vizt: Collector: for the Poore Sidesman &
Church Wardens
Mr. Brown & Mr. Walford
First were Severally put to the Vote for Collectors Mr:
Thomas Brown< no role >
Francis Walford< no role >
James Newton< no role >
& Mr.
George French< no role >
and the Choice fell on Mr. Brown and Mr. Walford
Mr. Davis & Mr. Child
Then Mr.
Richd: Davis< no role >
James Child< no role >
and Mr.
Rich Tirrell< no role >
were Severally put to the
Vote for Sidesman and the Choyce Fell up on Mr: Davis & Mr. Child
Holloway chose Upper Church
warden & Mr. Lyons choyce Vote
Church wardens.
Then was Mr.
William Holloway< no role >
Chose Upper Church Warden
Then were put in Nominacon for Church Wardens Mr.
John Lyons< no role >
Henry Woolball< no role >
Paterson< no role > This name instance is in set 1484.
John Barnard< no role >
Edward Harwood< no role >
& Mr.
Luke Morris< no role >
who being severally put to the
Vote the Choyce fell on Mr. Lyons
5 past Ch: Warden to Audit
the Baker Accots. & within one month
16 date
Then It was Orderd that any Five persons that had served the office of Church Warden should
Audite the Accots. of Mr.
John Barker< no role >
Church Warden
Whose Accots: they are to Audite within
One Month after the Date abovewritten
she to be pd. for all Children
shall be sent to ye Workhouse
Afterwards The Upper Church Warden
(Mr. Barker) produced a Letter from the Workehouse
directed to him which was read & thereupon Ordered that the Children to continue & impowered to
pay two Shillings & Six pence per Weeke for all Children that shall hereafter be sent to the Workehouse
[..] h to be repair'd
Then the Church Warden Accquainted the Vestry that the Church was out of repaire & desired
them to Consider thereof whereupon they came to severall Resolucons which are as followeth
First it was resolved that the Church shod: be repaired forthwith
Resolucon whether by
Subscripcon or a Rate
Then Debate across whether they should Raise Money for the Repairing thereof
by Subscripcons or by a Rate but came to no Resolucon thereupon
[..] to be chosen to Inspect
repaires thereof
Then It was put up that a Committee should be Chosen to Inspect the Repairs of
the Church and Agreed unto
Comta: chosen
Church Wardens Richd
Mr. Wm. Colesworth< no role >
. & Mr.
Chamberlaine Mr. Tryon Mr. Lindsey Mr.
Mr. Wm Johnston< no role >
Mr. Vendrith
Mr. Richd Eames< no role >
Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr. Joseph Hayward< no role >
Ex July 9d 1714
Then were Putt in Nominacon the Psons following to be of the said Comittee
(Vizt) Dr: Gatford the two Church Wardens for the time being
Richard Nichols< no role >
: Wm:
Colesworth Esqr: Mr:
Cason Chamberlaine< no role >
Rowland Tryon< no role >
Richd. Lindsey< no role >
Mr: Wm.
Tryon Mr:
Wm: Johnson< no role >
Mr: Henry Vandorsthegen Mr:
Henry Hankey< no role >
Richd. Eames< no role >
Wm. Ingram< no role >
& Mr.
Joseph Hayward< no role >
whose Names being servall times read over & put up was
all Chosen of ye sd: Commitee & it was thereupon resolved that they or any 5 or more of them shod.
heat with Workemen abt: the repair of the Church & Agree with them for the desiring thereof
& to see the same done & to give an accot. of all their adings & doeings therein form time to time
to the Vestry & take their Approbacon & Consent thereto