January 27th. 1706
Mr: Tindalls Gift
Then was distributed the Annuall Guift of Mr
Roger Tindall< no role >
deced heretofore a Parishoner of this parish being £2:12s: (which was given
by the deceased to the parish Clarke and poor of this Parish,) as followeth viz
To the Parish Clarke P will£0-2s-0d
To Goodman Court£0-5s-0d
To Goody Deaves£0-8s-0d
To Goody Whisken£0-6s-0d
To Goody Fox£0-6s-0d
To Goody Grigman£0-8s-0d
To Goody Tisdell< no role >
To Goody Bettell£0-9s-0d
At a Meeting the 6th. day of February 1706,
Mr William Ingram< no role >
Mr Henry Hankey< no role >
} Churchwardens
Mr Pernell
Mr Goodlad
50s for the use of the
born by Mr Skinner for
burying his mother in a
Belvet Coffin,
At this Meeting was distributed fifty shillings forfeited for the use of
the poor by Mr Skinner for burying his Mother in a Velvet Coffin, as follows
Goody Simson< no role >
To Goody Fox£0-10s-0d
To Goody Bettell£0-7s-6d
Goody Tisdell< no role >
To Goody Deaves£0-5s-0d
To Goody Court£0-5s-0d
To Goody Grigman£0-5s-0d
At a Vestry held on Mannday Thursday the tenth Day of
April 1707.
Mr William Ingram< no role >
Mr Hen. Hankey} Ch. Wardens
Mr. Goodlad
Mr John Blackall< no role >
Mr Robert Parnell< no role >
Mr John Dawson< no role >
Mr Richard Bayley< no role >
Turn it