Att a Vestry held
15th December 1707
Mr. Hankey
Mr. Marriner} Ch. Wardens
Mr. Ingram
Mr French
Mr Holloway Senr.
Mr. Ja: Acreman< no role >
Mr Jenkins
Mr. Quartermaine
Mr Jones
Mr Hallam
Mr Dawson
Mr Chapman
Mr Moris
Mr Nilson
Mr. Rushbatch
Mr. Hicks
Mr Rawlinson
Mr Eames
Mr Burt
Mr Howland
Mr Goodlad
Mr Fleming
Mr John Oldeman
Mr Webster
Mr Barker
Mr Lecouse
Mr Eames
Mr Payne
Mr Cotton
Mr Davies
Mr Harwood
Mr Comprese
Mr Parnell
Mr Walford
Mr. Paine £12
Mr. Wilson £12
This Vestry was sumoned by Mr Henry
Hankey upper Church warden
for the Choice of Ward
Officers (viz) Scavengers Constables Inquestmen and
Comon Councell man in the Roome of Mr. Payne and
Mr Wilson
[..] who were chosen last
Vestry Scavengers Constables & Inquestmen and Mr. Attwood Comon
Councellmen Mr Payne and Mr Wilson did Severally
desire to Fyne and being put to the Vote were of
Sewally Admitted paying each, twelve pound
Mr Cotton Mr Howland Mr Hodson Mr Revell and
Mr Vandeputt were Sewally put up for Scavengers
Constables and Inquestmen and the Choice fell on