This Vestry was summoned by Mr. Hankey Upper Church-
-Warden for the Choyce of Parish Officers vizt. Collectors for
the poore Sidesmen & Church Wardens
Mr. Holloway
Mr. Lyons.
First were Severally put to the Vote for Collectors Mr. Abrah:
Whood, Mr.
William Holloway< no role >
, Mr.
James Child< no role >
Jno. Cowley< no role >
John Lyons< no role >
& Mr.
Henry Woolball< no role >
, and the Choyce fell on Mr.
Holloway & Mr. Lyons.
Mr. Eames.
Mr. Hallam.
Then Mr.
Richd- Eames< no role >
Richard Hallam< no role >
& Mr.
Tho: Weedon< no role >
were severally put to the Vote for Sidesmen, & ye. Choyce fell upon
Mr. Eames and Mr. Hallam
Then Mr. Diamond was nominated for Church Warden, but he
being present and alledging he was not certain of Staying a
yeare in the parish promised to pay ye. usual Fine in Case
he should stay so long, and upon such promise was excused.
Then Mr. James Acreman< no role >
was likewise nominated for Church-
-Warden, but for the same reason was also excused upon the like
promise of paying the Usuall Fine.
Mr. James Marener< no role >
Mr. Daniel Quarterman
Then Mr.
James Marener< no role >
was chosen Upper Church Warden.
Then were put in nomination for Church Warden Mr. Tho:
Briscoe Mr. Daniel Quarterman and Mr. Richard White< no role >
, who
being severally put to the Vote, the Choyce fell upon Mr. Quartermen
Thomasin Simpson< no role >
pension begun.
Then was presented and read the Petition of
Thomasin Simpson< no role >
praying a pension And the same being put to the Vote It was agreed
that she should have 12d P Week for One Yeare from 25th. of March last.
Wm. Adams one
year's Allowance.
Then was presented and read the petition of
William Adams< no role >
praying a pension and the same being put to the Vote It was agreed
that Mr. Marener the Upper Ch: Warden
should have Liberty to pay him
any Sume not exceeding Two Shillings P Weeke for One Yeare to comence
from Ye. 25th. March last, And that he be excused some time from wearing
the Badge to try what Application he will make for Reliefe elsewhere
Tho: Coates< no role >
's Nurse's
Mrs. Seares then presented a Petition praying her 18d. P Week for
Nursing One
Tho: Coates< no role >
a Parish Child may be augmented, which
being put to ye. Vote It was agreed to be halfe a Crowne P Weeke
from ye. 25th. March last.
Mary Lucy< no role >
's Petition.
Mary Lucy< no role >
presented her peticon praying 50 Shill to pay
her Debts which being put to Ye. Vote 50 Shill was agreed to be
given her at ye. Discretion of ye. Church Warden, in Case she can't be
pass'd out of this Parish
Charges of Passes
Ordered That the Church Warden be allowed his Charges &
Expences in prosecuting the pass of
George Massey< no role >
or in the
presecuting or defending any other pass from or to this Parish.
Then it was propos'd by some of the Vestry That Mrs. Fox ought