Mr White
Mr Bennett
Mr Webster
Mr Bayley
Mr Briscoe
Mr Barker
Mr Glassbrooke
Mr Morris
Mr Cowley
Mr Cotton
Mr Powell
Mr Acreman
Mr Debnam
Mr Wood
Mr Wilson
Mr Lindley
wt. time to be given Mr:
Michell to pay the ballance
of his Accot:
This Vestry was summoned by Mr
John Dawson< no role >
Upper Ch: Wardens
to consider what time should be given to Mr Michell late Upper Churchwarden
for the payment of the ballance of his accounts being £96. And it was orderd.
that he should enter into a bond to the two present Churchwardens and their
Successors comenceing from from Michas next to pay £6. the first year by 30s a quarter
at the four most usuall quarters days and the sume of £10 a year after the first
year by 50s. a qurater on the days aforesd. untill the sd. sume of £96 be fully paid
And it was further ordered that in Case Mr Michell refuse to give bond as aforesd.
the two present Churchwardens should prosecute him for the whole sume at the
charge of the parish.
Mrs. Bittell desired Pish
[..] lend her £10 towards
paymt. of her rent
Then Mrs Bittell requested that the parish would lend her £10. towards paymt.
of her rent Which being put to the Vote It was ordered in the Negative.
Church Wardens to pay
therefore 3d P weeke for
keeping Cruds 2 Children
returned from sea
Then It was put to the Vote whether £2:2s:6d: or 3d. a week should be
allowed to a muse for keeping William Cruds two Children till he returned
from Sea And it was ordered that the Churchwardens should pay her 3s. a week
till the said William Crud returnes from Sea or Otherwise ordered. by the Vestry
Edr: relatering to Mr.
Jackson be repeated & Ch:
Warden to pay him for the
last year & from thereforth
to be allowed nothing
Then it was put to the vote and unanimously agreed that the Order for
allowing Mr Jackson 40s a year to pay his rent shall be repealed and the Prsent
Churchwardens should pay him for the last year ending at last Lady Day and
from thereforth he shall be allowed nothing.
to be pd. Mr Linseys
man as a Guift
Then It was put to the vote whether the Churchwardens should pay to Mr
Lindseys man who is now in prison thirty Shillings as a Guift and ordered in
the affirmative
Table of Benefactors
to be made
Then it was put to the vote whether a Table of Benefactors to this parish
should be made, And it was ordered a Table should be made.
Church warden to pay
repairing Dr. Galfords
[..] any sume. not
& exceeding £5:
Then Mr Churchwarden acquaintd. the Vestry that Dor Gatfords house
wanting same reparies he made his request that they would pay for the sd.
repaires and it was unanimously orderd. the Ch: Wardens should pay any Sume
for the same not exceeding five pounds.