2d.. June 1772
Robert Boyd< no role >
Henry Rutt< no role >
Church Wardens.
Peter Pope< no role >
James Hebert< no role >
The poor were all call'd in & examined, no Complaints
Rebecca Christie< no role >
desir'd to have an upper and under
Ann Newman< no role >
desir'd to go out to seeks, for a place
which was left to the discretion of Mr. Hughes.
Catherine Jones< no role > This name instance is in set 3773.
applied for Leave to return Home
to Wrixham in Denbighshire upon condition of
paying her two Guineas in hand & two Guineas
P Annum which was agreed to also to give her
a pair of shoes.
WB. Left with Mr. Hughes 16s/6 to be divided amongst
the poor 1s/ to each Man & Woman & 6d to five Boys
7th. July 1772
Mr. Church Warden Boyd
Mr. Peter Pope< no role >
Richard James< no role >
Thomas Hudson< no role >
} Overseers
The poor were all call'd , examined & no complaints
Gave Alice Hutchinson< no role >
John Webb< no role >
2s/ & was discharged
Edward Pasmuch p 6d