St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010059

Image 59 of 1714th April 1769

Hoxton 7 March 1769


Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 1515.
Joseph Chaplin< no role > Hankey Esq}
Church Warden

Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
Mr. James Green< no role > }

The Poor were all called in and Separately examined
& no Complaints. Order'd John Webb< no role > Senior a pair
of Shoes & a pair of Stockings; John Webb< no role > Junior
a pair of Shoes, a pair of Stockings, two Shirts and
one pair of Breeches .

Hoxton 4th. April 1769


Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 1515. Church Wardens

Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
Mr. Peter Pope< no role >
Mr. James Green< no role >
Mr. William Lem< no role > }

The poor were all call'd in and Separately examined
& no Complaints. Gave the Gown People twelve pence
each & the Children six pence each Order'd John

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