£ s d
Brought Over133 06 09
Decembr: 2d. pd to ye Overseers of ye Poor att Cripplegate
006 00 00
pd Expences of a Journey to ware001 18 02
5 pd for Carryeing a foundling to Nurse000 04 00
12 pd for Carryeing Another foundling to Nurse000 04 00
pd as spent att A meeting of ye vestry000 11 00
pd as Spent att diverse times on ye Parrish Accog:000 17 09
pd Mr Francis Lee< no role >
his Charges att Dot. Comons000 05 00
pd my Owne Charges att Do. Comons000 06 06
pd ye Beedle for ye Poors Roll000 06 00
21 pd. Alderman Abdies gift in ye vestry007 10 00
pd. for paveing by pd Church Doore000 00 06
pd a poorman for Informing ye Sexton about a Child like to be left000 00 06
pd on ye like Accompt000 00 08
pd as Spent att a meeting of ye vestry000 19 06
26. pd. & given Mrs Fern wth Heatler Dionis as her Apprentice
for 7 Yeares007 04 07½
28. pd. Mary Gould< no role >
a ¼ pention001 06 00
pd. Margarett Fox< no role >
her Bill003 18 07
pd. Ann Harris< no role >
a ¼ pention001 03 00
pd. Wm: Court a ¼ pention001 12 06
pd Ann Wagstaffe< no role >
a ¼ pention001 12 06
29 pd. Mary Martin< no role >
a ¼ pention002 05 06
pd. Nurse Ipsley< no role >
a ¼010 05 00½
pd ye Carpenter
& Upholsterer
for a kneeling board
in ye Perounder ye Pulpitt000 14 00
July 2d pd. Nurse Phipps for nurseing 2 Children 13 Weeks003 15 00
pd. Nurse Brackley< no role >
for nursing 5 Children 13 Weeks006 08 10
11. pd. John [..] Tombes< no role >
for taking John Coping as his Apprentice
for 8 Yeares007 10 00
pd for mendring & painting ye Bucketts001 19 00
pd. John Harwood< no role >
for a new Sett of Bell Ropes001 08 00
pd Ann Wagstaffe< no role >
a ¼ pention001 12 06
pd for Coates & focus for ye Children wch came form Hatfeild Etc.002 15 00
pd for buryeing Darcas Dyons< no role >
a Foundling001 05 00
March 27. pd. Mary Gould< no role >
a ¼ pention001 06 00
pd. Ann Harris< no role >
a ¼ pention001 03 00
pd Wm. Court ¼ pention001 12 06
Aprill 1st pd Sarah Ipsley< no role >
for nurseing 3 Children ¼005 08 00
10: pd Mary Martin< no role >
a ¼ pention002 05 06
pd Margarett Fox< no role >
her Bill002 12 08
pd. Mr Phillips his Bill000 12 00
pd & Spent goeing to See ye Children att Chigwell000 17 00
pd as Spent att ye Mike Saverne after a vestrie000 19 02
pd. Nurse Brackley< no role >
for nurseing 5 Children 13 Weekes009 07 02
pd. Nurse Warman for nurseing 2 Children 13 Weekes003 15 00
pd. Nurse Phipps for Nurseing two Children 13 Weeks003 15 00
pd Daniell Quarterman ye Smith his Bill002 06 02
pd. Margarett Fox< no role >
her bill000 11 06
pd for Senett Service001 10 00
pd Elizabeth Richards< no role >
her Bill002 13 05
pd to ye Poore on Maundy Thursday006 00 00
pd as Spenton ye Trustees when they Surrendred Collier Row For me to other
Trustees}001 12 06
257 14 [..]