An Account of Money paid by Frances Lee< no role >
Account of ye Parish of St. Dionis Back-Church
£ s d
Paid Patrick Oliphant< no role >
10 08 00
Aprill 27th: Paid for Covax lights to Lady day past00 12 00
paid att Doctor: Comons for oaths three Prayers to Sumons Etc.}00 16 08
May 19th Paid Mr Wm. Lay field towards Debt arld Interest106 12 -
22d Paid Mr. John Hall< no role >
ballance of Churchwardens Account35 10 03
23th Paid Mr. Abraham Whood for book of births & buryalls01 09 01
July 9th Paid Mr. Tho: Gutteridge< no role >
for paving moity of Mr Kings Door00 18 -
12th. Paid Councell Northey01 00 -
27th. Paid Mr. Kempton for Poor rate- 06 -
Augt: 13 Paid Mrs. Bayly for 4 weeks nursing four children of Daniell Owers< no role >
02 08 -
Ditto Paid Mr. Whicken & Whinyard for charges in Journey to bed ford shire02 00 -
Sept. 15 Paid Mrs. Baily for six weeks nursing 4 Children and Appothecary Bill Etc04 04 06
Paid for Jacksons rent00 10 -
Paid for Mary Nation 20 weeks02 16 6
Paid Mrs. Fox for charges of keeping a woman lying in01 08 -
Paid Ringing of Bells for the Peace09 10 -
Paid Mrs. Fox for burrying dress vizt. Shroud Etc.00 04 -
Ditto 24th. Paid four weeks keeping Mary nation00 12 00
Octob 1t: Paid Mr. Miles Whisken< no role >
for a second Journey to bedfordshire02 00 1
Paid Ditto P clearing the Parish of Susannah Ruttwell< no role >
00 05 8
16th Paid Mrs. Fox to and from Brantford00 02 00
19Paid for ringing Bells day & night P Ld. Mayors Ordr00 15 -
24th Paid Francis Whinyard< no role >
as P receipt03 11 0
[..] :4th:14th:16th: Paid for ringing Bells01 02 0
Paid Mrs. Fox Charges burying child att Brantford00 15 0
Paid Mrs. Duke for Rent00 03 01
Paid for binding Boyce Ower to Mr. Deputy Woods00 09 -
Decemr. 2d. Paid for ringing Bells att Twice00 15 00
Paid Patrick Oliphant< no role >
03 00 0
3d. Paid Poor of Cripplegate Parish
06 00 00
6th.Paid for Mrs. Mary Nation Eight weeks01 06 08
Paid for Mrs Jacksons Rent01 06 08
Paid rs. Whisken ballance of Disbursments att Bedford Shire00 15 [..]
21th Paid keeping & other charges of a big bellyd wench & lying in03 08 -
Ditto Paid Alderman Abdeys. Gift distributed in the vestry07 10 -
24th Paid Deputy Woods towards an Engine for ye use of ye ward21 00 00
Ditto Paid Mr. Cook for coppy Alderman Abdys will00 16 07
28th. Paid for Mrs. Mary Nations Board Etc.00 14 0
January 28th Paid Mrs. Dawsen P poors Badges00 12 0
Feb: 13th: Paid ringing Bells00 05 0 [..]
15th Paid for paving before ye. Church05 11 -
Apr 4th.Paid for Mary Nations Board Etc.00 14 01
21th. Paid in presence of Parishionrs. the Lady Harveys. Guift06 - -
22d. Paid Mr. Bradley for 2 years care of Church Clock01 00 0 [..]
Feb: 22d Paid Daniell Quarterman Smith for Church Work02 12 -
May 6th Paid Mr. Doldron for Glazeing Church & Mr Cooks house02 00 -
Ditto Paid Mr. Danll. Rawlison< no role >
P wine Church Vse07 12 -
Ditto Paid Mr. Phillips Appothecarys Bill00 08 00
Carried Over244 16 0