The Accompte of Isaac Bennett< no role >
Accomptant, Churchwarden of the Parish of St Dyonis
Backchurch London
for concerning The Receipts
Payments by reason of the said Office by the said Isaac
Bennett from & after Easter 1701 being the Time
was chosen there unto untill the feast of Easter 170 [..]
In the first Yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign
Lady Anne Queene of England Etc.
£ s d
June 10th Reced of Mr Wm. Hollway< no role >
on the parish Accompt50 0 0
23th by money more of Ditto67 10 0
By money received of Mr Jacob his Legacy10 0 0
July 23d By money of Madam Wood for Liberty given to finish her
Husbands Monument by Vestry
10 0 0
Augt 21 by money Collected at Church of Pewterers Company00 14 6
[..] ber 1 By halfe years rent of Jacob Parker< no role >
to Lady day past04 0 0
7 By money of Mr Whiskin< no role >
for burialls as P Bill07 17 0
12 By money of the Collectors90 1 6
17 By money of Carpenters
Compn. gift of Mr Tho: Warham00 7 0
[..] t 14 By money of Armstrong Convict of Swearing00 2 00
By money of Abraham Sands< no role >
Convict of swearing00 4 0
By money Collected by Brumly breife00 14 2
28 By money of Sr
Robt. Jeffreys< no role >
for ½ a Years rent due at Wit has
last allowed taxes £5:8s: & in Money
12 12 0
[..] 2d by money of the Executors of Mr
John Skinner< no role >
for being buried
in linnen
02 10 0
10 ber 16 by money of the Collectors14 14 8
By money of Mr John Lyons< no role >
as a fine for Scavenger Constable
Quest man}10 0 0
By Ditto of Mr H: Woolball for Ditto10 0 0
By Ditto of Mr John Poole< no role >
for Ditto10 0 0
By money Collected for Redemption of Slaves in M [..] cotoe29 7 9
30 By money of mr Louch Convict of Drunkenness00 5 0
By money of Ralph Goodwin< no role >
Convict for swearing00 2 0
Jan: 10 By money of
Ben. Pateman< no role >
for one years rent due at Michas
last 16s 6d taxes in money
05 3 6
31 By money of Mr Whiskin for Buryalls as P Bill11 2 4
347 7 5