At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Parish Poor Children held at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 11th: day of February 1789
Mr. Benjamin Curtis< no role >
Mr. John White< no role >
} Churchwarden
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that Louisa
Owen< no role >
William Harrel< no role >
James Garrard< no role >
and Sarah [..]
Ordered as the last Meeting to remain in the Workhouse
till this Meeting still remain there
Benjamin Insbury< no role >
aged Six Months was ad [..]
into the Workhouse
the Parish January to
That John Thompson< no role >
aged Five Months and
five days was admitted into the Workhouse
thirteenth said January
That Thomas Swinnaton< no role >
a Bastard was
in the Workhouse
the Seventeenth said January
and died there the twenty seventh same Month
And that Sarah Jebb< no role >
aged Five years and seven
days and Sarah Jebb aged about One Year
were admitted in the Workhouse
the second Je [..]
Ordered that the said Louisa Owen been
to Nurse Moore that James Garrard be discharged
with his Mother at her Request. That [..]
Harrell be sent to Nurse Dow's as Plaistow
That Sarah Simpson< no role >
remain in the Work
with her Mother at her Request until her [..]
fetch them away. Also that Benjamin
John Thompson< no role >
Sarah Jebb< no role >
and Samme
Jebb remain in the House till next Meeting