At a Meeting of the
Guardians held at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 30th. Day of Septemr.
Mr. John White< no role >
Mr. David Steel< no role >
} Churchwardens
Wm Baker< no role >
Wm. Coles< no role >
The Master of Workhouse
reported that
the female dropped Child mentioned in the
Minutes of the last Meeting was Christened
agreeable to the Order of the Guardians there
made by the Name of a Mary Chance< no role >
and that
she died in the House on the 18th. Instant
Also that Louisa Owen< no role >
and James Haggle< no role >
who were at Nurse Moores at Camberwell
died there the first on the 19th. and the other on
the 21st. Instant.
And that Maria Cheney< no role >
a Casual aged
3 Years 8 Months and 6 days was admitted
into the Workhouse
on the 8th. Instant
Ordered that the said Maria Cheney
be forthwith sent to Nurse Moores at Cam