At a Meeting of the Guardians
at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 12th. December [..]
Mr Robert Young< no role >
Mr Benjamin Curtis< no role >
} Churchwarden
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that
Elizabeth Marchant< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the
Meeting is still in the Workhouse
and quite recovery
the small PoxThat Thomas Gurnell< no role > This name instance is in set 4812.
mentio [..]
also in said Minutes was sent to Nurse Pluckroses
according to the Guardians Orders at said Meeting
Also that William Harrell< no role >
mentioned [..]
wise in said Minutes still continues in the [..]
Also that Jacob Anderson< no role >
aged one year Six [..]
and thirteen Days was admitted into the Workhouse
the 12th. of November last
Also that Mary Ann Flaherty< no role >
was born in
House the 15th. said November
And that Susannah Wright< no role >
aged One years [..]
Months was admitted into the Workhouse
the [..]
said November
Ordered that the said Elizabeth Marchant< no role >
Harrel Jacob Anderson< no role >
Mary Ann Flaherty be dischar [..]
with their Mothers at their Particular Requests
And that the said Susannah Wright be forh [..]
sent to Nurse Pluckrose at Wanstead