St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010116

Image 116 of 23823rd January 1788

At a Meeting of the Guardians [..]
the Parish Poor Children held in the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 5th. day of March 178 [..]


Mr. Robert Young< no role > Churchwarden
Mr. William Baker< no role > Guardian

The Master of the Workhouse reported [..]
William Harrel< no role > and Thomas Roe< no role > mentioned in [..]
Minutes of the last Meeting still remain in the
Workhouse and that Mary Ann Flaherty< no role > mentio [..]
also in the said Minutes died in the Workhouse th [..]
day of February last

Also that Elizabeth Lee Christie< no role > aged one year five
Months and twenty two days was admitted into the
Workhouse on the 31st. January last.

Also that Christopher Williams< no role > aged three years
four days was admitted into the Workhouse they
February last

ThatGriffiths a female Bastard Child [..]
born in the Workhouse the 11th. said February

That Elizabeth Marchant< no role > who was discharged with
Mother on the 12th. January last was again admitted
into the Workhouse the 28th. February last

That Thomas Hughes< no role > aged One year and one Month
admitted into the Workhouse The 11th Instant

And that Mary Edwards< no role > aged Six Years One Month
fourteen days & her Sister Elizabeth aged Four years [..]
Months and fourteen days who were before in January
in the Workhouse and passed from thence to Saint Sepulchre
London were again admitted this day

Ordered that William Harrel< no role > Thomas Roe< no role >
Griffiths Elizh. Marchant< no role > Thomas Hughes< no role > & Mary & Eliz [..]
Edwards remain in the Workhouse till next Meeting

And that Christopher Williams< no role > be sent to Nurse Moore [..]
Camberwell and Elizabeth Lee Christie< no role > to Nurse Dow [..]
at Plaistow

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