St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010121

Image 121 of 2388th October 1788

At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Parish Poor Children held in the Workhouse on
Wednesday the 8th. day of October 1788


Mr. Benjamin Carter< no role > Churchwarden

Mr. William Baker< no role >
Mr. William Coles< no role >

The Master of the Workhouse reported that Louisa
< no role > James Garrard< no role > and Sarah Simpson< no role > mentioned
in the Minutes of the last Meeting still remain in
the Workhouse and that Jane and Susan Leach< no role >
mentioned also in said, Meeting were discharged
with their Mother by the Churchwardens Order on
the 11th. September last. That James Ryen< no role > a Bastard
was born in the House the 28th. June last. Also
that Thomas Thorne< no role > aged one year and four days
was admitted into the Workhouse the 4th. September
last and was discharged with his Mother the 10th.
September. And William Harrol< no role > aged Eleven
Months was admitted into the Workhouse the
27th. said September. Ordered that the said
Louisa Owen remain in the House to be weaned
the mother not having yet weaned her as ordered as
the last Meeting as Also the above named William
Harrel. Also that the said Sarah Simpson do
likewise remain in the House and that the Father
be applied to be take her away As Also James
Garrard at the particular request of his Mother
as Also that James Ryen he being to be sent to
Whitechapel with his Mother who is to be sent
there under an Order of Session made on hearing
an Appeal between Aldgate and Whitechapel
respecting his said Mothers Settlement

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