At a Meeting of the Guardians of [..]
Parish Poor Children on Wednesday the Ra [..]
of June 1785.
Mr. William Baker< no role >
Church Warden
William Coles< no role >
John Watts< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that Elizabeth
Douglas< no role >
and Elizabeth Crow< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of [..]
the last Meeting still remain in the Workhouse
that [..]
John Reeves< no role >
mentioned also in said Minutes died in the [..]
the 22d. day of April last And that the following
Children mentioned also in said Minutes have been d [..]
of as follows. Vizt. John Marchant< no role >
was discharged in [..]
his parents the 20th. April last Mary Reeves< no role >
discharged with her Mother the 24 May last and
Stephen and Isaac Rutter< no role >
were discharged with the
Mother the 1st. Instant
And that the following Children have been admitted
into or born in the House since the last Meeting V [..]
John George Ball< no role >
was born in the House 21st. April last
George Basshaw< no role >
. B. born in the House 23d. said April
Elizabeth Simpson< no role >
aged five years was three months was admitted [..]
last Margaret Baker< no role >
B. aged 5 Yrs. 9 Mos. was admitted 26 said [..]
Nathaniel Goodwin< no role >
aged 4 Yrs. 3 Mos. was admitted the 9th. [..]
and Elizabeth Goodwin< no role >
aged 2 Yrs. 3 Mos. was admitted the sam [..]
Also the above John George Ball was discharged with [..]
Mother the 19 day of May last
Am the said George Basshaw< no role >
died in the House the
29 April last
Ordered that Elizabeth Douglas< no role >
and Elizabeth Crow< no role >
be sent to Nurse Varwells at Barking
Side. Nathaniel [..]
Elizabeth Goodwin< no role >
and Margaret Baker< no role >
be sent to Nurse
Pluckrow at Wanstead
that Elizabeth Simpson< no role >
remain [..]
the Workhouse
till the next meeting And that William Sher [..]
be discharged The Master also reported that Wm. Sher [..]
which was admitted into the Workhouse the 16th. day of [..]
March last and was then aged five months twelve day [..]
and was omitted by Mistake to be reported at the last [..]
April meeting is now in the House