At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Infant Parish Poor at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 24th. day of January
Mr. John Chamberlain< no role >
William Baker< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
informed the
Churchwarden and Guardians that Eleanor
Cliffin< no role >
, Elizabeth Pool< no role >
Elizabeth Smith< no role >
Will [..]
Colay< no role >
and John Wardell< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes
of the last Meeting still remain in the Workhouse
That Elizabeth Roberts< no role >
also mentioned in
said Minutes was on the 2d. day of December last
discharged with her Mother from the Workhouse
And that Sarah and Elizabeth Hawkins< no role >
pursuant to the Order made for that purpose have
been sent to Shoreditch Parish
And That the following Children were fo [..]
in the Workhouse
since the last Meeting (vizt.)
Mary Elizabeth Colay< no role >
- on the 18th. day of
December last
William Hicks< no role >
(a Boy) on the 19th. Instant
Ordered that all the said Children who are [..]
in the Workhouse
be continued therein until the
next Meeting