At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Parish Infant Poor at the Workhouse
Wednesday the 1st. day of September
Present Mr. Francis Pearse< no role >
Mr. Deputy Harding
John Watts< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse Reported That Will [..]
Watts mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting [..]
sent to and received in the London Workhouse on [..]
5th. day of August last and that Elizabeth Bign [..]
who was admitted into this Parish Workhouse on the [..]
day of February last was discharged there out with her
Mother on the 26th. day of August last
And that the following Children have been received in [..]
the Workhouse belonging to this Parish since the last
Meeting of the Guardians (vizt.)
Namewhen admitted 1779Age
Jane Connell< no role >
Nurse Levers)
July 21st9yrs:8M: [..]
Jabez Harris< no role >
23d.5yrs.0M. [..]
Ebenezer Harris< no role >
23d.2yrs: [..]
Margaret Jenkins< no role >
28th.1yrs:10 [..]
Joseph Tyler< no role >
from Nurse
Augst. 17th8yrs: [..]
William Good< no role >
Septr.1st1yrs:2 [..]
Thomas Hope< no role >
do.5: [..]
George Hope< no role >
do. [..]
And that Margaret Baker< no role >
was born in the Workhouse
the 29th. day of August last