St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010055

Image 55 of 23820th October 1779

Ordered that George Hope< no role > remain a Month in the House with
the Mother to wear him and their to be paid to Nurse Harris

That Margaret Jenkins< no role > be sent to Nurse Warwell

That William Good< no role > be sent to Nurse Harris

That Margaret Baker< no role > remain in the House till next

And That Jane Connell< no role > and Joseph Tyler< no role > remain in
the House

All the above Children being produced before the Guardians
were found to be in good Health

At a Meeting of the Guardians of
the Parish Infant Poor at the Workhouse on
Wednesday the 20th day of Octobr 1779

Present {Mr. Francis Pearse< no role > Churchwarden
Mr. John Watts< no role >
Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >
Mr. William Coles< no role >

The Master of the Workhouse reported that Thomas Hope< no role >
Jabez Harris< no role > , Ebenezar Harris< no role > and Elizabeth Barbett< no role > mentioned
in the Minutes of the last Meeting still remain in the Work
house And that the following Children mentioned also in said
Minutes have been disposed of as follows (vizt)

Margaret Baker< no role > discharged with her Mother the 30th
Septr. and William Good< no role > and George Hope< no role > were discharged
with their Mothers the 13th Instant and also that
Margaret Jenkins< no role > died in the House the 19th Instant

The Master likewise reported that Elizabeth Barbett
aged 5y:10m:0d was admitted into the Workhouse the 25th
of September last

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