At a Meeting of the Guardians of the Infant
Parish Poor at the Workhouse
on Wednesday
the 23d. February 1780
Present {Mr. Francis Pearse< no role >
Church Warden
Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse reported that since the last
Meeting the following four Children mentioned in the Minutes
of the last Meeting have died (Vizt)
NamesWhen died
Mary Ann Willoughby< no role >
On 13th Jany last
William Riley< no role >
On 1st. Instant
Sarah Read< no role >
On 10th Instant
Ralph Read< no role >
On 18th Instant
And that all the other Children who were left in the House
at the last Meeting (except John and Percy Holderness who
were discharged with their Mothers the 16th Instant) now
remain therein and are in health and that the following
Children have been since admitted (Vizt.)
NamesWhen admittedAge
Mary Harrell< no role >
2nd. Instant5Y..11M..12D
William Ashton< no role >
7th. Instant born in the House and
are both also in Health
The Guardians at present not being provided with proper
Nurses Ordered that all the Children now in the House
do remain therein untill next Meeting