St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010074

Image 74 of 23826th November 1782

At a Meeting of the Guardians at [..]
Workhouse on Wednesday the 26th. day [..]
November 1782 .

Present Mr John Taylor< no role > Churchwarden
Mr Edward Gibbs< no role > - Guardian

The Master Reported that Eleanor Lewis< no role > mentioned i [..]
the Minutes of the last Meeting was discharged from the
Workhouse with her Mother on the 9th. Instant and that
William Clark Mills< no role > and Joseph Belgard< no role > mentioned a [..]
in the last Minutes have been properly Cloathed and m [..]
the Eleventh day of October last were sent to Nurse to Mrs
Pluckrose at Hanstead in Essex - That a Female
Color Phelps< no role > was delivered on the 21st. day of October
last in the Workhouse of a FemaleChild wh [..]
has since been Baptized by the Names of Mary Ann M [..]
That Joseph William Roberts< no role > aged four Weeks & 4 days [..]
admitted into the Workhouse on the 21st. day of October la [..]
Ordered that the said Mary Ann Philips< no role > and Jos [..]
William Roberts do remain in the Workhouse until
next Meeting

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