Disbursments Continued
£ s
May 1st.
Do. in Settling the Poors rate Book for Houndsditch
Precinct- 3
Do. in Visiting the Publick houses being Sunday- 2
Do. at a Meeting of the Vestry1 -
Do. on Setting the Poors rate Book for High Street
Precinct- 4
June 19
Do. at a Meeting of the Vestry1
Do. in Visiting the Nurse Children in the Country1 1
July 6
Do. on Attending at Lord Mayors with a Pass- 5
Do. at Meeting of the Church Wardens of St. Margt. Pattens and getting
rid of a Family} - 13 [..]
Augt. 3
Do. in going to Croydon and Letting the House there by Order- 18
Do. in Endeavouring to take Remmington- 2
Do. at a Meeting of the Alderman when the Defaulters of the Poors Rate
were Sumoned} - 6
Do. in going after a Bastard Child to find out the Father- 3
Septr. 18
Do. in Auditing Mr. Faucetts Account for the Workhouse
1 -
Octor. 16
Do. at a Meeting of the Committee and Examining Mr. Benthams Bills - 17
Do. in getting rid of a Child Born in the Parish- 11
Do. on Attending Lord Mayor with three Sumons- 3
Do. on Attending Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
- 2
Expended going to Visit the Nurse Children in the Country1 19
Do. on Account of
Moses Harts< no role >
Servant relating to a Bastard Child- 10
Do. at a Meeting of the Church Wardens of the Lower Town on Acct. of a Pass 4
Do. in Going after a Woman in Labour at the Naggshead-
Decr. 31
Do. at a Meeting of the Committee- 16
Janry 11
Do. at a Meeting of the Vestry1 -
Do. at a Meeting of the Committee about Letting the Houses in London
Prentice Yard} - 14
Febry 5
Do. in Giving away the Coles- 14
Do. in Gathering the money for the Poor Sufferers by Fire in St. Katherines
1 7
Do. at the Time of Signing the Leases of the House at Croydon- 10
Do. at a Meeting of a Gentleman
about the Houses in Still Alley- 3
Do. at a Meeting of the Alderman when the Defaulters of the Poors Rate
were Sumoned and measuring the Ground in Still Alley} 1
Do. in going to Hatfield to Enquire after a Family- 5 [..]
March 6
Do. at a Meeting in the Barrs Precinct for Fines- 17
Do. at the Pye Tavers on the same Account- 15
Do. at a Meeting of the Vestry1 -
Do. Paid Mr. Rochester
his Expences laid out by him at a Meeting of ye. Committee - 9
21 1