& Bethlem
At a Court holden at the said Hospitall of Bridewell
on Friday 14th. Septr. 1733
Richd: Brocas< no role >
: & Aldn
. for Mr. Aldn
. Parsons Presidt.
Robt: Alsop< no role >
. Aldr:
& Sherriffe
Edwd. Bellamy< no role >
Micajah Perry< no role >
Robt. Kendall< no role >
Richd. Rawlinson< no role >
Mr. Samuel Child< no role >
Mr. Henry Rogers< no role >
Mr. Robt. Hall< no role >
Mr. Richd. Bridgman< no role >
Mr. Robert Bishop< no role >
Mr. Thos. Cox< no role >
Mr. Benjn. Henshaw< no role >
Mr. John Watts< no role >
Wm: Barrowby< no role >
Mr. Brearcliffe Stonehewer< no role >
Peter Cock< no role >
Mr. Henry Godwin< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
Mr. Serjt. Urlin
Edward Gibbon< no role >
.Mr. Wm. Green< no role >
Mr. Depty. Farrington
Wm. Billers< no role >
James Hallett< no role >
Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. James Phillips< no role >
George Welham< no role >
.Mr. Depty Snart
Mr. Robert Glynne< no role >
Mr. Daniel Calent< no role >
Pun & dd
SaundersWillm< no role >
. By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charg'd by the Oath
Atkins Moore< no role >
for Pilfering from off the keys
some Sugar of small value
the Property of Persons unknown & being a loose Idle & disorderly Person.
DayleyAndrew< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charg'd by the Oath
Atkins Moore< no role >
for Pilfering from off the keys
some Sugar of small
value the Property of persons unknown and being a loose Toll and a
disorderly Person.
NashThos< no role >
.By Sr
Richd. Brocas< no role >
being charg'd by the Oath of
John Moore< no role >
his Masters
for Pilfering from him some leaf Gould of
Small value & being a Loose Idle and a disorderly Apprentice
WestJane< no role >
By Sr.
Wm. Billers< no role >
being charg'd by the Oath of
Charles Wheeler< no role >
for that she is a loose Idle disorderly person and for
pilfering a Iron of 56. pound Weight from off the Keys
the Property
of the King
Edward Hopcraft< no role >
Govr. and their Charge
At this Court the Charge was Read to Mr. Serjt. Urlin
Peniston Lamb< no role >
. and Mr.
Wm. Sheldon< no role >
as Gors. of these Hospitals
JonesSarah< no role >
elected Matron
in the
[..] of Mrs. Cath. Wyndham< no role >
Upon reading the several humble Petitions of
Eliza. Bayly< no role >
Anne Castell< no role >
Mary Cowpers< no role >
Sarah Jones< no role >
Mary Smyth< no role >
Ursula Thache< no role >
for one of them to be admitted Matron of this Hospital in the Room of
Catherine Windham< no role >
And they being all severally put up in nomination
in Alphabetical Manner as their Petitions were read they were reduced to two as
those who had the Majority of hands Vizt.
Anne Castell< no role >
Sarah Jones< no role >
And they
two being again put in nomination for one of them to be elected thereunto The
Rt. Worshipfull Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
& Aldn
. was pleased to declare that
in his opinion the plurality of hands were for the said
Sarah Jones< no role >
a Poll being demanded by Dr.
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
and several other of the
Govrs. between the said Mrs. Castell and Mrs. Jones it was granted And it
was desired that such of the Govrs. as were for the said Mrs. Castell shoud withdraw
into the Dining Room and such Govrs. as were for the said Mrs. Jones shoud
continue in the Court Room of the said Hospital which being done Tellers were
appointed Vizt. Mr.
Henry Sisson< no role >
and Mr.
Henry Marshall< no role >
who having taken
an Account of the severall Numbers and being returned Did report to this Court that
the number of Govrs. for the said Mrs. Castell were 65 and for the said Mrs. Jones
77 Whereupon It is Ordered that the said Mrs. Jones be admitted Matron.
of the said Hospital until the next Election day & that she do imediately enter
upon the duty and receive the Perquisites of the same office.