ss At a Court holden at the said Hospital of
on Thursday the 18th. Octr. 1733
Humphry Parsons< no role >
. Aldn
. President
Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. Samuel West< no role >
Walter Price< no role >
Mr. Depty. John Child< no role >
Robt. Westly< no role >
. Sherriffe
Mr. Stewart
Mr. Richd. Bridgman< no role >
Richd. Rawlinson< no role >
Phineas Cheek< no role >
Mr. Robert Bishop< no role >
Benja. Hodges< no role >
Mr. Depty. Snart
Mr. Depty. FarringtonMr. Mark Holman< no role >
Mr. Edmond Whitehouse< no role >
Mr. Robt. Henshaw< no role >
Mr. Deputy AyliffeFrancis Asley< no role >
Mr. Gilbert Matcher< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
Mr. Thomas Cox< no role >
Mr. Nathl. Wolfrys< no role >
BowneJohn< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
Richard Crossdale< no role >
for privately Entring his Coach Yard & Connecting
himself therein with an Intent to steal his Goods & being a disorderly
Idle Boy.
BoyersAnne< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
Wm: Bowlin< no role >
her Master
for frequently Absenting herself from his Service
without Scavert being a loose Idle & a disorderly Apprentice
dd without fees
MilesEliza< no role >
. By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
Margaret Bookes< no role >
for Pilfering from her some Goods of Small Value and
being a disorderly Woman
NeedhamMr. Richd< no role >
.To have
which of a House (No.12) in the
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this Hospital bearing has
the 6th. day of June last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsop< no role >
. Treasurer
Richd. Rawlinson< no role >
Henry Godwin< no role >
and Mr.
Brent< no role >
in the word and figures following Vizt.Mr.
Richard Needham< no role >
proposed to take a Lease of the House (No. 12) in Bridewell Precinct
Christmas last for 21 years at the Rent of £5. P Ann clear of Taxes and to
pay a Fine twenty Guineas and to executes a Counterpart of the Lease wild
usual CovenantsThis Comittee are of Opinion to accept the proposal of
the said Mr. Needham whereupon he gave half a Guinea to the Poors Box
All which nevertheless is submitted to the Judgment of the CourtAnd it
is Ordered that this opinion be reported to the next CourtThis Court doth
confirm the said Report and Order that a Lease be made to the said Mr. Needham
[..] Mr. JohnTo have a Lease
of [..] No. 5 late Audley in
Bridewell Precinct
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this Hospital bearing
date the 19th. day of July last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsop< no role >
. Aldn
. Treasurer
Henry Godwin< no role >
John Elderton< no role >
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
and Mr.
Gilbert Matcher< no role >
in the words following
John Glover< no role >
proposed to take a Lease of his house being me of the
[..] late Audleys (P Lease No. 5) in Bridewell Precinct
for 16 years
from Midsummer last at £15. P Ann Rent clear of Taxes and to repair the
premisses and to Execute a Counterpart of the Lease with usual Covenants
This Comittee are of Opinion to accept the proposal of the said Mr. Glover
whereupon he gave five Shillings to the Poors BoxAll which
nevertheless is submitted to the Judgment of the CourtAnd it is
Ordered that this Opinion be reported to the next CourtThis Court
doth confirm the said Report and Order that a Lease to made to the said
Mr. Glover accordingly.