Friday 28th. January 1731/2
Apprentice made free
At this Court
William Palmer< no role >
was Ordered to be made free
of this City having servd
his Apprenticeship
William Phillips< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of this Hospital by
Indre dated ye. 16. September 1717.
Beadles Gra½ Ye to Xmas 1731
Upon reading the humble Petition of the four Beadles and Portersman of this Hospital
for their usual Gratuitys of Forty Shillings a peice in respect of the half Year ending at
Christmas last for that their Salarys are but small It is Ordered that the Clerk of these
Hospitals de give and pay unto them Forty Shillings a peice to be allowd in his next account.
Basketmen as Gra½ yr. to Xmas 1731
Upon reading the humble Petition of the three Beadles or Basketmen of the Hospital
of Bethlem for their usual Gratuitys of Twenty Shillings a peice in respect of the half
Year ending at Christmas last for that their Salarys are but small It is Ordered that
the Clerk of these Hospitals do give and pay unto them twenty Shillings a peice to be allowd
him in his next account.
Cole Thos< no role >
. - Weaver
- £10 Locks gift
Robert Hall< no role >
one of the Governors
of these Hospitals reporting to this Court
that in pursuance of an Order of the last Court He and Mr.
Richard Bridgman< no role >
another of
the Governors
had made enquiry and found that
Thomas Cole< no role >
who servd his Apprenticeship
in this Hospital is set up for himself in the Trade of a Weaver
and hath the Character
of a diligent and so bar Man It is Ordered that the Steward of this Hospital to give
and pay unto the said
Thomas Cole< no role >
Ten pounds out of Mr. Locks Gift to be allowd him
in his next Account.
Tolly - Richd.< no role >
- Weaver
. £10 Locks Gife.
And the said Mr. Hall also reporting to this Court that in pursuance of an Order
of the last Court He & the said Mr. Bridgman had made enquiry and found the
Tolly< no role >
who servd his Apprenticeship
in this Hospital is set up for himself in the Trade
of a Weaver
and hath the Character of a diligent and Sober Man It is Ordered that the
Steward of this Hospital do give and pay unto the said Richard Tolly Ten pounds out of
Mr. Locks Gift to be allowd him in his next account.
Governors nominated
At this Court the following Gentlemen being nominated to be Governors of these
Hospitals Vizt.
Nominated by
Mr. Walter Barnard< no role >
Parker St.
Helens Mr. Edward Whitehose< no role >
Malachi Hawtayne< no role >
George Welham< no role >
Mr. Nevil Leman< no role >
in Cornhill
Mr. James Bartlett< no role >
Mr. John Cook< no role >
Mr. President
Thomas Hardy< no role >
.Inner Temple
Mr. Bezaliel Brownsmith< no role >
Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. Deputy Davis
George Wynne< no role >
Mr. Robert Fetherby< no role >
Mr. William Cooper< no role >
. Richard Rawlinson< no role >
Mr. Thomas Skipp< no role >
Aldersgate Street
Mr. Nathaniel Wolfrys< no role >
John Strange< no role >
.Chancery Lane
Mr. Joshua Hinton< no role >
Mr. John Dacton< no role >
Richard Snow< no role >
Mr. William Newland< no role >
Nags head Court
Gracechurch Street
Mr. William Mingay< no role >
Mr. Stephen Harvey< no role >
Threadneedle Street
Mr. Phineas Cheeke< no role >
It is Ordered that the consideration thereof be referrd to the Comittee of this House whesre
desired to make their Report therein to this Court.
Governors -come to be nominated in
6 Months}
This Court being informd That the number of Governors of this Hospital is too great doth
Order that no more Governors be nominated for six Months.
Brewer - Saml< no role >
. Appr
to Gillingham
Petr. to have his Indres [..] rejected}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Samuel Brewer< no role >
Jeffrey Gillingham< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of this Hospital praying that his Indentures of apprenticeship may
be cancelld and that he may be at liberty to bind himself apprentice to another Trade This Court
Ordered the said Petition to be rejected.