Wm. Rench< no role >
5th. more}
Also upon treading the Certificate of Mr. Justice Underhill
and Mr.
John Sawyer< no role >
(two of the Governrs
. of these Hosplls
That upon Inquiry they doe find that
William Rench< no role >
(who was brought up Apprentice
John Fowler< no role >
(one of the Artsmars. of this Hospll.) and since made
a Freeman of this City by the approbacon of this Court
and who has formerly reced. 5l: part of Mr. Locks Gift)
is Sett up in his said Trade and that he hath a very good
Character It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trear
Barker doe give and pay unto him 5l. more out of the
profitts of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him to
manage his Said Trade to be allowed Mr. Trear in
his next Account.
Robt. Ireland< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr. Justice
Underhill Mr.
Tho: Emmesand< no role >
Thurstan Withnall< no role >
(three of the Governrs. of these Hosplls.) That upon Inquiry
they doe find That
Robt. Ireland< no role >
(who was
brought up Apprentice
Wm. Elsley< no role >
(One of the Artmasrs
. of this Hospll.) and Since made a
Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court)
is Sett up for himself in his said Trade and he hath a
good Employmt. being a joynt partner with an old Trader
It is Ordered by this Court that Mr. Trear Baker doe
give and pay unto him Tenne pounds but of the profitts
of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him to manage
his said Trade to be allowed Mr. Trear in his next Account
Samll. Steers< no role >
noe further &
of Mr. Locks Gift
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Samll. Streers< no role >
who was
brought up Apprentice
in Bridewell
Hospll. and made a
Freeman of the Citty
by the approbacon of this Court and
who is at prsent one of the Beadles of Bethlem Hospll. for
five pound of Mr. Locks Gift (having herefore reced five
pound thereof This Court are of opinion that the said Gift
ought to be distributed to such only who are Sett up in their
Trades And It is therefore Ordered That the said
Steers< no role >
shall have noe futher part of Mr. Locks Gift.
New Govenrs.
Tho: Starse< no role >
by Mr. Dept. Gardiner
John Verney< no role >
Turkey Mercht
Mr. Walker Ryon
Samll. Michell< no role >
By Mr. Dept. Fazakerley