Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010334

Image 334 of 50024th November 1693

Anne Boyne< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Edwd. Clarke< no role > Charged
by Jeremiah Hollis< no role > her Master for Suspicon
of Stealing 1 black Gause hood 1 Silke Girdle
2 Stains of thread Some tape and In the and
other ware of Small Value

Rosemond Phillips< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged
by the Church warden of St. Brides for Standing
upon Fleet bridge and there Selling Oysters
wch. Causes Pick pocketts to gather together wch.
does or great deal of Mischiefe having been
Sevall times fore warn'd of Soe doeing and for
want of Baile for their appearance at Ye Sessions

Mary Middleton< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged
by Jane< no role > the Daughter of Mr. Joseph Alder< no role > to
have by a false taken drawn her into a
private place and attempted to Stripp her of the
Cloths being a Girle of about 8 Years of Age

Winifred Miles< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged
by John Knight< no role > to have pilfered from him a
great quantity of Conny Skinn and Hare Skins
the wth. she Confessed
To Labour

Anne Royall< no role > (an old Prisoner)

Eliz: Alderly< no role >
Joyce Prichard< no role > }
who came to excuse Anne & Royall being looked upon by the
Conset to be idle & ill Pson, Security was demanded for their good
To Labour till they give Security
for their good behaviour

Martha Free< no role > (an old Prisoner)

Margtt. Hedges< no role > P Warrt: of Sr . Tho: Stamp< no role > (an old
being an idle Vagrant P son
To be past to Edinbury.

Jane Thompson< no role > (an old Prisoner)

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