The Treasurer
Also at this Court
Daniell Baker< no role >
. the Present
and Mr. Weston (one of the Governors of
thest hosplls.) being nominated for one of them to
be Elected Trear of the said Hosplls. for the yeare
ensuring and they being both of them putt into Eleccon
It appeared plainley That the said
Daniel Baker< no role >
. is unanimously Elected Trear of the said
Hospitalls for the ensueing Yeare.
Auditor Generall
Also at this Court the Right Worspll. Sr
Roberts< no role >
. the Present Auditor
Generall and Mr.
Johnson (one of the Governers of these Hospitalls)
being here nominated for one of them to be Elected
Auditor Generallor standing Auditor for the said
Hospitalls for the Yeare ensueing And they being
putt into Eleccon for the same It appeared plainly
that the same Sr.
Gabriell Roberts< no role >
is unanimously-
Elected to be Auditor Generall for the said Hosplls.
for the next ensuring yeare.
Auditors of Mr.
Trears Accompts}
And the Governors hereafter named, to witt,
Wm. Leithienlier< no role >
Wm. Fazakerly< no role >
Lient. Coll
Perry Mr.
Jos. Woolfe< no role >
. Sr
Robt. Adams< no role >
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Whitefield & Farmeryare the same Yeare.
Auditors of Mr. Trears Accounts for the same yeare.
And for the Keepers of the Keys of the great
Chest The President Treasurer & Audoitor Generall.
For Bethlem Hospll.
Also at this Court were Elected the Comittees for
the Hosplls. of Bridewell
& Bethlem
For Bridewell
Mr. Trear
Aldran Hartopp
Mr. Hanger
Capt Hodges
Mr. Bearcroft
Mr. Bland
Mr. Flazakerley
Mr. Peaters
Mr. Shuter
Mr. Lucas
Mr. East
Mr. Bassans
Mr. Rons
Capt Eimns
Coll Gilbert
Mr. Owting
Lient. Coll Perry
Mr. Merry
. Tho Norman< no role >
Mr. Cradock
Mr. Sheppard
Mr. Lascells
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Shaller
Mr. Jos: Woolfe< no role >
Capt. Stephens
Mr. James Clarke< no role >
Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Richardson
Mr. England
Mr. Meredale
Mr. Kniceton
Mr. Empson
Mr. Clover
[mark] Mr. Trear
[mark] Mr. Butterfield
[mark] Mr. Vinderhill Esqr.
[mark] Mr. Hallett
Mr. Samll. Baker< no role >
Mr. Hutchinson
[mark] Mr. John West< no role >
[mark] Mr. Peter White< no role >
Mr. Deputy Ewin
Mr. Empson
[mark] Mr. Nath Holton< no role >
Mr. Kemp
[mark] Mr. Pattee
Mr. Coles
[mark] Coll Essington
[mark] Mr. James Smith< no role >
[mark] Mr. Aaron Pengry
Mr. Meredale
Mr. Edwd. Brewster< no role >
[mark] Mr. Bolsworth
Mr. Broughton.