Eliz Powell< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Tho Stamp< no role >
being an
idle disorderly Pson and night walker and taken
by Mr. Phelps Constable of Farringdon
without who
She Solicited to the Crown & Horse Shoe a victualling
house on Snow hill
and for want of sureties for
her good behaviour
Mary Harris< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Jefferys< no role >
for being
very Disturbfull & Sending Letters to Sr
. Robt.
Jefferys< no role >
every Day
To Labr.
Grace Wood< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Jeffery< no role >
charged by
Kath Frantham< no role >
& for abusing her & all her Neighbours
& being a Lewd idle woman
Hester Melcalfe< no role >
Sarah Williams< no role >
P Warrt. of Mr. Recorder charged
to be Comon Pickpocketts Lewd Livers
who can give noe good Account of themselves
honest way of living
Sarah Dawson< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Tho: Stamp< no role >
by Leonard Sneeton< no role >
John Clerke< no role >
& Tho: Richardson< no role >
to have pickt the pockett of the said Leonard Sneeton< no role >
of Six or Seaven Shillings & for want of sureties.
Rebecca Boman< no role >
Anne Fairbank< no role >
P Warrt. of Mr. Recorder charged
by the Constable & his watch for
being Lewd women & Comon night walkers
and for being taken last night by the Watch &
can give noe good Account of themselves
and also for want of sureties.
Martha Fletcher< no role >
Anne Slaughter< no role >
Sarah Hutchenson< no role >
Mary Shelton< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being
Comon night walkers and were
taken late last night walking in
the Streets in order to intive young men into
their Companies.
Mary Camell< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Tho: Stamp< no role >
Francis Burr< no role >
on Snow hill
for pilfering from
him a Cloth Wastcoate and a pair of Sheeres and
also charged by Mary Davis< no role > This name instance is in set 2081.
in Hatton garden
to have pilfered from her Two Linnen Shifts