[..] faneway
dd Guineas.
It is Ordered by this Court That the Clerke of
these hosplls. Doe (as soon as conveniently may be)
repaire into Kent for the making up and settling the
Accounts with Mr. Faneway and Mr. Curney and the
taking Account of the prsent Condicon of the Frame at
Cotttington and also of the Lands of the Gift of Mr. Pott
and what is necessary for the Hosplls. to doe about the
same in relacon to repaires and to lay the same before
this Court And this Court doth further Order That the
said Clerke doe give and pay to the said Mr. Jane way
Twenty guine
[..] towards his recompence for his Care
and paynes for these three years last past in receiving
the Rents of the Prmises and in managing and ordering
the building of the great barne Stable and Outhouses
at Cottington and his others Services for these Hospitalls
And this Court doe adjourne the Consideration of a
futher Recompence for the said Mr. Janeway till the
said Clerks returne and that the Right Worspll. the
President shall be in Court And the said Clerke is
to Informe himself of the said Mr Jane way what
will yearly content him for his receiving the Hosplls.
Rents and looking after their Lands in kent for the