Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010250

Image 250 of 50027th January 1693

& Bethlem
London }

A Court holden at the Hospitall of Bridewell
of Fryday the 27th. January 1692/3

Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > Knt .& Alderman President .

Mr. Trear
Mr. Peter White< no role >
Mr. Atwood
Capt Philipps
Mr. Deputy Watts

Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Key
Mr. Glover
Mr. Porter
Mr. Lethieulier

George Boman< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > charged
on Oath by Mr. Robert Browne< no role > of the Middle
Temple on Suspican of Stealing a Silver Sword
from his Side value £4:10s:
To Newgate

Robert Browne< no role > of the Middle Temple London gent
in £20.

To Prosecute at the next Sessions at the Old Bayly
agst. George Boman< no role > for Stealing from him a Silver
gilted Sword Value £4:10s

Edward Smith< no role > P Warrt. of Mr. Chamberlaine charged
by his Master Mr. Borocke for being a Rebellions
Apprentice and often Drunke
To Labr. till by the

John Tyler< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm Turner< no role > charged by Eliz
< no role > for picking her pockett of 10s

Wm. Morley< no role > (an old Prisoner)
to keep him to Labr. till his
time out and then not to
goe out without Bayle

Mary Hall< no role > als Cambridge< no role >
Eliz: Hall< no role > }
taken in an ill house in
Chirke Lane last night
by a Constable
To Labr.

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