Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010265

Image 265 of 5007th April 1693

Thanks to Sr .
Robt. Geffery< no role > }
It is Ordered by this Court (on the Mocon
of Mr. Trear) That the thanks of this Court be
presented to the Right Worspll: Sr . Robert Jeffery< no role > knt .
& Alderman and President of the Hospitalls
for his Worshipps Soe Freely complying with the
unamimous desired of this Court in accepting the
President Shipp thereof.

Christor: Talman
Chosen Surgeon }
Also upon the Severall humble Peticons of
Christopher Talman Minshall Yates< no role > Claudius Gillart< no role >
Richard Harvey< no role > Robert Sherwood< no role > Gratian Bale< no role >
Joseph Bentham< no role > & Symon Rydont < no role > Surgeons for one
of them to be chosen Surgeon of the Hospitals of
Bridewell and Bethlem in the Room of Jeremy Higgs< no role >
decd and they being senally putt in nominacon it appead
plainly by plurality of hands that the said Chistopher
< no role > is thereunto Duely elected Whereupon It is
Ordered by this Court That the said Chirsto: Talman be
Admitted Surgeon of the said Erospls during the pleasure of
this Court & to have [..] & enjoy the Salary and profitts
thereunto belonging as the said Mr. Higgs had & enjoyd the Same

Mrs. Taylor
£7:10s Gratuity}

Also upon the humble Peticon of Mary Tayler< no role > (widow
of Edward Taylor< no role > late Reader and Schoolmaster of Bridewell
Hospitall Setting forth That her said Husband was Reader
and Schoollmaster of the said Hospitall for some Yeares and
for Severall months before his Death Languished of a
Consumption to his Very great Charge and the expence of
all he was praying therefore that this Court would be pleased to
bestow on her some Gratuity in Such manner as to this Court
Shall seem meete It is Ordered by this Court That Mr.
Trer doe give and pay unto her one quarter Salary to wit
Seaven pounds and Tenne Shillings as a free gratuity of this
Court To be allowed Mr. Trer in his next Account.

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