Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1715

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501420016

Image 16 of 18517th February 1715

To the Rt: Worsppll his Matys Justices of the Peace For the
County of Middx

The humble petition of Walter Jemson< no role >


That For the Fact whereof your Petitr. stood Indicted in this Court
this Sessions Your Worspps were pleased to Fine him Five Pounds
And for Nonpayment thereof to Comitt him to New prison in this County
where he now remaines

That your Petitr: hath been Confined in the said Prison Thirteen Weeks &
upwards and lyes in a Sick and Weak Condition and Is ready to Perish for
want of Sustenance having noe Friend in the World to assist him but
his poor Wife who is down lying and must Inevitably starve in the said
Prison Unlesse Relieved by Yor Worspps And for as much as your
Petitr. being very sorry for the said Offence and resolving never to Offend.
againe in the like Nature And humbly Submitting himselfe to the
great Goodnesse and Mercy of this Court

Your Petitr. therefore humbly prays Yor.
Worsppl will be released to Comiserater
his sad and Deplorable Condicon and to
Remitt his said Fine If Yor Worspps
soe think fitt

Per. Prettie< no role >

And Yor: Petitr: shall ever Pray Etc
Walter Jemson< no role >

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