To the Rt Worsppll his Maties Justices of the Peace for the County of
The Humble peticon of Lewis Colebrand< no role >
of the parish of St Mary Islington
the said County
That your Petitr. hath lived Fourty Yeares in the said Parish &
never Received any relief there from But being aged above
Fourscore yeares one past his labour and having all his
Goods seized on was obliedged to apply himselfe to the Churchwdens
of the said parish for Relief Who Refuse to allow him any
without an order from this Court
Your Petitr therefore humbly prays he may
be allowed such a Pention from the said
Parish of unto yor Worspps shall seeme
And Yor Petitr shall ever pray Etc
Lewis Colebrand< no role >