for if your worishop will be so kind as to
Consider me I went a Cordin to your order
to ye Church warn with ye payor and he
a bused me sadle and asalted and took me
up with a Constable and had me to ye romer
tanorn and had me be for a Justis and ye Justis
told him he was not a neberle Justis and he
Could not doe noe Good in it ye beedel went
wear ye boy is and he is but up Larning and
he will not be Larnt this month and when
he has Larnt he will have but pore on Shillin
a week for I have none but god and you to stand
bye me and I was with Justes Pooper and
he Could doe no more but desired me to
Com to ye bench to desire your worships to Gran
me [..] somons for ye Church warns my pove-
rty is so gre [..] that I am Redy to despare