January 1784
since they have had the possession thereof the Sum of £839..6..11
and also a Sum of £300 to the Parish of Saint Sepulchres
paving the Scite of Hicks Hall making together the Sum of £1139..6..11
And it appearing that there is now remaining in the hands
of the Treasurer of the Building fund only the Sum of £29..8..8 It be
recommended to the Commissioners for building the Session house to
direct their Treasurer to pay unto the Treasurer of the County the Sum
so remaining in his Hands and the same being Unanimously
Agreed to It is Ordered that the Treasurer of this County after he
shall have received the Sum of £29..8..8 from the Treasurer to the
Commissioners do forthwith pay the several Unsatisfied Demands
abovementioned to the Amount of £1139..6..11
By Adjournment Saturday 17th. Janry 1784
Two Resolutions of the Committee appointed on the County day of
this present Session to proceed further in the examination of certain
circumstances relative to the Government of the House of Correction at
and to report what in their Opinion ought to be done in the
Premises being laid before the Court of which the following are Copies
Resolution That
Geo: Wind died
through neglect
A Motion was made That it is the opinion of this
Committee founded on the Testimony of the Surgeon and others that
George Wind< no role >
died through NeglectCarried in the Affirmative
A Motion was made That it be recommended to the
General Sessions of the Peace for this County on the next County day to
consider what Punishment it will be proper to inflict on the Keeper of
the House of Correction for such NeglectCarried in the Affirmative
A Motion was made that it appearing to this Court the
Committee have not extended their examination to the General