Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090012

Image 12 of 54212th January 1784

January 1784


That having in compliance with the Recommendation
of His Majestys Justices of the Peace at the General Session of the Peace
held for this County in the Month of December last examined and taken
into consideration their Receipts and Payments The said Commissioners
do find that they have received under the Authority of the said Act of
Parliament the several Sums following Vizt.

From the City of London 110 Bonds for £100 each amounting
to the Sum of}£11000.0s.0d

For Interest on the said Bonds at the Rate of 4 Prcent
during the time they were in the hands of the said Commissrs
the Sum of}£1486, 8s..5d

From the Treasurer of the County of Middlesex £4000. 0.0
For the Sale of the Old Materials of Hicks Hall£190. 0.0
Making together the Sum of£16676..8s..5d

That the Commissioners have made the following Payments Vizt.

To the Officers of the Corporation of the City of London fees for
passing the said 110 Bonds} £109..10s..10d

Fees and Charges for obtaining and passing the said Act£872..19s..7d

For the purchase of a piece of Ground whereon to build a
Session house} £2036..6s..0d

For the best Plan of Session house£21..0s..0d

To the several Workmen Surveyor Etc employed in erecting
the Session house}£11127.13s.1d

To Discount and Commission on the Sale of Bonds from
time to time}£1802..0s..9d

To sundry incidental Charges in carrying the said Act
into Execution}£677..9s..5d

That these several Payments make together the Sum of£16646..19s..9d

That there now remains in the hands of the Treasurer
appointed under the said Act of Parliament the Sum of}£29..8s..8d

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