St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010033

Image 33 of 1717th May 1765

London April 2d, 1765 .

Mr, William Kippax< no role >
Mr, John Haydon< no role > }
Ch. Wardens.

Mr: Peter Pope< no role >
Mr, Francis Leach< no role > }

The Poor were all call'd in, and Severally examined
when Mary Read< no role > was reprimanded for her bad
behaviour, she begg'd Pardon & promised to behave
better for the future. Ordered Mr, Birch to give her a
pair of stockings & a Lining for her Gown & Rebecca
< no role > to have a Hall or Bonnett having lost her,
our by lending it to Elizabeth Picket< no role > who run away
with it.

London May 7th, 1765

Mr, William Kippax< no role >
Mr, John Heydon< no role > }
Ch. Wardens

Mr, Richard James< no role >
Mr, Francis Leach< no role > }

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